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How Does Bitcoin Work? How is it Stored and Retrieved?

by Ethan More
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Bitcoin may be traded for services or products just like any other currency with buyers that accept this form of payment. However, bitcoin traders and investors who trade using this trading platform use it without a centralized authority like banks. 

Bitcoin is an electronic payment method that exists on cryptographic proof. Some people invest in bitcoin because they think its value will go up, while others and businesses use it as money or accept it as payment.

Global brands have started to accept payments in bitcoin. PayPal, for example, is currently able to handle Bitcoin transactions, and El Salvador has accepted Bitcoin as a form of currency.

Bitcoin is only supposed to have 21 million coins, but 18.77 million have already been mined. This makes bitcoin hard to get and stops inflation, which could happen if the currency could be made in unlimited amounts.

Find out behind the scenes in the Bitcoin network to learn more about this digital trend and how it works.

How does it work?

Before moving on with the working of bitcoin, here are a few components that play a role in the functioning of bitcoin as a cryptocurrency.


The bitcoin blockchain is an encrypted, peer-validated database of transactions. How does it work? Blockchain is distributed across network machines and systems. These systems are referred to as nodes. Each node contains a copy of the blockchain, and every document is updated with validated changes.

The blockchain consists of blocks that record transaction data, previous blocks, addresses, and the code that powers the blockchain. To understand blockchain let’s first understand blocks.


When a blockchain block is opened, it creates a block hash, a 256-bit number that encodes information. A block contains the bitcoin’s block version and the previous block’s Hash. It also includes information regarding the following:

  • The block’s first transaction
  • the block’s numerical distance from the first block.
  • Merkle Root: a 256-bit number that stores preceding block information
  • The block’s opening time and date
  • Network bit target
  • A randomly generated 32-bit bit number

Queued transactions go into the block, which is then closed and hashed. Each block contains data from the previous block. Thus, the blockchain cannot be altered, as it is chained to the preceding block. Mining is a process that opens and validates blocks.

Bitcoin mining

Mining validates transactions and creates blockchain blocks. Software like Application Specific Integrated Circuits operates mining on computers or mining machines.

Mining software and machines mainly focus on Hash. They start by generating a number that matches the block hash. The programs generate a random hash and try to match the block hash, increasing the nonce as a variable each time.

Mining generates hashes across the network. The first person to solve the Hash receives the bitcoin reward; this creates a new block, and the process repeats for the following transactions.

Keys and wallets

But where do you store the purchased bitcoin? The bitcoin blockchain acts as a central bank that holds all the funds. The wallets resemble mobile applications that let you keep a check on your balance.

Wallets and keys let you access and trade your bitcoin funds. Like debit cards, wallets allow you to transfer money through online transactions. As bitcoin functions in terms of assigning data ownerships, transactions work in terms of the transfer of data ownership.

The key is data or the private number encrypted on bitcoin. Public and private keys are the two types of keys. You can think of public keys as usernames or addresses that somebody uses to access your wallet, while private keys are passwords or personal data. 

The question remains: How does Bitcoin work? Well, a transaction takes place when a bitcoin is sent or received. To send a bitcoin, you input the recipient’s address, your private key, and the transaction fee and then send.

The mining network must validate the transaction, which can take up to 30 minutes because it waits in the mempool. Mempool holds pending transactions. The network confirms a block of transactions every ten minutes, but not all new transactions are included. Each transaction requires a mining fee, and blocks can only hold so much data.

Transactions with the highest fees are handled first. Bitcoin’s popularity has raised transaction demand, allowing (or necessitating) miners to charge higher costs.

Bitcoin’s growth has swept the world. The Bitcoin trading software is famous for automatically swapping cryptocurrencies with other traders to exploit currency value movements. Investors can quickly track prices and trade currencies.

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