A psychiatrist is a medical professional who uses medicine and other therapies to treat mental, psychological, and behavioral diseases. In medical school, psychiatrists learn about the workings of the human body and brain, particularly how physical and chemical processes might affect mental conditions. Doctors conduct patient interviews and evaluations to identify symptoms and diagnose problems linked to mood, anxiety, stress, psychosis, cognitive development, and behavioral function.
Creating a complete CV to land a job as a psychiatrist matches your qualifications and professional goals is crucial. You can make the most excellent application materials by learning what to include, how to organize your CV, and how to convey your experience. In this article, we go through the details that should be on a psychiatrist’s resume, walk you through the writing process, and get an idea of what a psychiatrist’s resume example looks like.
Step 1: Get a Bachelor’s Degree
Firstly, you must obtain a bachelor’s degree from an approved university to become a psychiatrist. It would be best if you graduated from an approved institution or university with a bachelor’s degree in health science. Since medical school is a prerequisite for becoming a psychiatrist, undergraduates should take biology, chemistry, physics, and arithmetic courses that are needed to enroll in medical school. It would be wise to concentrate on other medical fields for pre-medicine to prepare for medical school.
Students can improve their chances of admission by participating in psychiatric and pre-medical groups during this period, volunteering at local mental health clinics, completing an internship at a nearby hospital, and applying to highly competitive medical schools. To understand the needs of such patients and be confident that psychiatry is the right career for them, the student must have some experience working with patients with mental health concerns.
Step 2: Finish medical school
After graduating, you’ll apply to medical school. Following acceptance, you can anticipate spending four years pursuing a doctorate in either medicine or osteopathic medicine. Whether a student becomes a doctor, they usually receive the same fundamental training in medical school. Students start a residency in a selected specialty after graduating from medical school.
An additional four years is needed for a psychiatric residency program. Depending on the curriculum, medical school courses might vary considerably. However, those studying psychiatry should anticipate taking the following, among other things. Throughout this time, the student gains knowledge of human anatomy, histology, pathology, physiology, and related fields. They also study pharmacology, medical ethics, and other topics related to a career in psychiatry.
Step 3: Obtain License
After finishing their education, they will take a test to obtain a medical license. Individual states award these licenses, and each may have a different process. State-specific requirements for keeping and renewing a license vary, but in most cases, doctors must obtain some education credits to maintain their license to practice. To ensure the applicant has strong moral character, you can anticipate that the state licensing board will conduct a background check.
The duration between submitting an application for a medical license and receiving approval should be at least 60 days after completing the exam. Note: Before applying for a medical appointment, you must finish at least one year of an internship or the first year of residency. More than a year of residency may be necessary for some states.
Step 4: Get Certified
Last, it would be best if you were certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN). Although not strictly necessary, not having such certification restricts a doctor’s work options. Before applying for accreditation, the ABPN needs initial licensure to practice medicine in one state or territory. The United States offers certification exams. The ABPN also grants certifications in many sub-specialties of psychology. Ten years are allowed for certification. Following that, psychiatrists must continue their education and evaluate themselves to maintain their qualifications. A specialist psychiatrist is required to enroll in 30 hours of related continuing education each year.