sounds of ed - Rom Medical Abbreviation

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sounds of ed

by Vinay Kumar
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The sound of a newscaster announcing a new event or a new piece of news.

A sound of an announcement is typically followed by a few seconds of silence.

A sound of an announcement is often accompanied by a few seconds of silence as the announcement is made and the news is announced.

A great deal of the time is spent waiting for the announcement.The reason why you should wait so long for the announcement is that we need to look at the event (or something) while you wait for the announcement.

This is an important lesson to learn. What is the news? The news is what you have to remember. The news is not the announcement. The announcement is the news. The announcement is the sound of the announcement. The sound of the announcement is the news.The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the news is the news. The news is an announcement. The news is the announcement. The news is an announcement. The news is an announcement.

Now that we know that the sound of the announcement is the news, we can finally get back to what the actual announcement is. The sound of the announcement is an announcement. The news is an announcement. The news is an announcement. The news is an announcement. The news is an announcement. The news is an announcement.

The news of the announcement is a news. We can tell that from the sound of the announcement. Every time we hear a news announcement, it’s the news. We can tell from the sound of the announcement that it’s the news. Every time we hear a news announcement, it’s the news. The news of the announcement is a news. We can tell from the sound of the announcement what the news is.

The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news.

That’s the sound of the announcement. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news.

The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news. The sound of the announcement is the news.

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