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know past tense

by Vinay Kumar
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We know past tense when we experience a past event. We can’t remember our exact moment of the past, but we know that we’ve had a similar experience.

When we say we know the past, we mean that we remember the very moment of the event. We can remember events in our past, but we cannot remember events in the future. So we can only tell the difference between past and future with the use of past tense.

It is a mistake to assume that you know the future. While it is possible that a person has a very strong memory of an event in the past, it is extremely unlikely that they will be able to clearly project that memory into the future. This is because the brain is a very complicated system.

To get a sense of how complex we are, consider a hypothetical example. Suppose you are sitting in front of a TV, and the remote control is at your side. You are watching a program where the last three words of the show are “This is the end.” You are about to say “The end” and then you realize that you still have some more words to say.

Yes, that’s a very simple example. Imagine you are listening to the End of the World, or something like that. If you say “The end” now, you may very well be thinking, “I can see the end already, and I’m so glad to have seen it.” But that’s not the case. The End of the World, a TV show, an article in the newspaper, or a song played on the radio, is an expression of a single thought.

The end of a TV show, a newspaper article, or a song is an expression of a single thought. It’s usually made by a character who is in the middle of a single thought. You can think back to a moment in your life, in which you realized something, or you can think of a time when you said to yourself, “This is the end”, and you have a single thought.

Like the old saying, “It’s easier to change the past than it is to change the future.” But it’s also easier to change the future than it is to change the past. You think back to a time in your life when you thought of something, or a time when you said to yourself, I can’t wait to wake up in the morning. These two statements are almost indistinguishable. However, they’re distinct in that they’re both about the future.

The future can be changed as much as the past, and both can be changed as much as the present. The past can be changed as much as the future, and the present can be changed as much as the past. I think that the ability to change the past is the main difference between the two. But that’s just what I thought of the past tense. I never thought of the future tense.

I think that the future is completely different than the present. The future is about our actions in the present, our decisions, and the future we’re going to make. The past is about our past actions, our decisions, and the future we may or may not make. The future is about the future we’re going to make. The past is about who we are, the future is about who we’ll become.

The future tense is used for the past in the sense that we can think, plan, etc. The past tense makes us think of the past, so we can think about it. If we make the future, then we are going to make the past, and thus the future, but we can’t think about it.

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