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is audience singular or plural

by Vinay Kumar
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While audience is a singular noun, “the audience” is a plural. Many people who watch an episode of a show or read an article will have several different audiences that they are listening to.

While audience is a singular noun, the audience is a plural. Many people who watch an episode of a show or read an article will have several different audiences that they are listening to.

So if you’re listening to a podcast or reading a magazine, you are likely using multiple different sets of ears. You are likely using multiple audiences, each of which have different interests, taste in music, etc.

This is because podcasts and magazines are both “broadcast.” Most listeners in the world are listening to podcasts and reading magazines. That means you can be listening to a podcast in the same room as someone who is listening to a magazine and vice versa. Podcasts are also “broadcast” because they are on multiple places (i.e. radio stations), so they can be heard by multiple people.

Podcasts are broadcast because they are on many different places. In other words, they broadcast to many people, so the more places they broadcast, the fewer listeners they will have. A podcast that goes on the radio could be heard by hundreds of people. A podcast that goes on TV could be heard by thousands. So the more places their podcast goes, the more people they reach.

Podcasts are broadcast because they are on multiple places. In other words, they broadcast to many people, so the more places they broadcast, the fewer listeners they will have. A podcast that goes on the radio could be heard by hundreds of people. A podcast that goes on TV could be heard by thousands. So the more places their podcast goes, the more people they reach.

A big problem with podcasting is, of course, the quality. People are listening to podcasts that are not on a regular basis. If you listen to podcasts that are not on regular basis, they will be able to listen to them and find a way to get around the problem.

Podcasts are like radio stations, except people go out and do it. And since we’re talking about a podcast, let’s be honest: if anything about your podcast goes wrong it will go horribly wrong.

This is true, but I’m not sure it is necessarily a problem. People listen to podcasts not because they think the listener should listen to it, but because they want to talk to the other person. They are listening because they want to have a conversation.

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