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fuzzy drawing

by Vinay Kumar
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The term fuzzy drawing is one that I have often heard from people, and it’s certainly a term that is now gaining popularity in the art world. I was lucky enough to get to spend a few days in the early part of this summer in the studio of Andy Goldsworthy, a photographer and art director who is known for his work with famous artists like David Hockney.

Andy’s studio is filled with a lot of different kinds of photography equipment, all of which are designed to be used in ways that might not be typical for your typical photographer. So rather than just taking a wide portrait of a person, Andy’s studio takes multiple portraits of a subject, which he then uses to create a series of images that he considers more “fuzzy” than the original.

It’s pretty interesting to do, and I think that it is a really clever way to work around the fact that a lot of people don’t really understand how to use their equipment.

I think a lot of people are really confused when they see an image they’ve taken and think, “Wow, I didn’t take that! I need to go back and check my photos.” In fact, Andys studio takes multiple, overlapping images of the same subject. Which they then use to create a series of images that they consider more fuzzy than the original.

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