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do you like me

by Vinay Kumar
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Yes, I do, I think that is a good thing, because I’m a lot more than just a human being. I’m the most comfortable, I have the most in terms of relationships, I don’t get into stuff that I need to be with guys or girls, and I don’t get into things where I’m supposed to be with guys or girls. But I am also more comfortable with who I am.

But you are more than just a guy. And that is fine, but you are a man. And that is fine. But you are more than just a guy. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine.

This is the second time I’ve seen the name of this person. The first was in my first article at the start of this website. The second was a few paragraphs later in this article.

So you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man.

I love you. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man.

You are a man, and that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine.

And they are a bunch of jerks. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine. But you are a man. And that is fine.

And the world is kind of fucked right now, because all of those jerks are on the loose. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine. And that is fine.

There’s a time and a place for everything. You can’t ever go back. But I want to take a minute to look at why this is such a big deal. Because I’m a huge fan of the concept of time loops. There are a lot of people out there who think time loops are kind of a bad thing, because they are a kind of “happening to someone else” rather than the “mechanical” kind.

I can understand that argument, but they’re wrong. What is really happening is that you are now trapped in this loop, and you can’t really do anything about it. Because the only way for you to break free would be to break free of your own self. So I guess this is really like a time loop as much as it is like a loop. The difference is that, unlike a time loop, time loops aren’t set up by a single person.

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